Sunday, July 15, 2012

RACE WAR-Part 3-Mitt Romney

Is Mitt Romney Racist? How about his beloved religion the LDS (Mormons)? Let's take a look at the "other' side now of this upcoming Race War to Presidency 2012!

On January 16th, 2012 Mitt Romney was touring in South Carolina. A African American woman by the name of Ruth Williams happen to come across his tour bus while praying to God that she could pay her electric bill. She saw him and started to talk to him about her troubles. Mitt Romney slipped her $50, smiled and walked away.

Now, one could say "How generous this man is to flip someone $50!" or one could say "Really? You just slip a black woman $50 and you are a millionaire who does not believe in government help for the poor?" Hmmm? I am sure Mitt's intentions were good but what impression did he give the African American community? Was it, "Here shut up"? or was it "Here, I am willing help the black poor"? Well let's look into it a bit.

Once again, I speak about not just character but what created that charchter? I did so with my previous blog on Obama. We go by who these two men have surrounded themselves with through out their lives because this IS them.

OK, so we all know that Mitt Romney is a Mormon (LDS-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). As Obama's faith or lack of helped build his character so has Romney's faith. Who Romney was hanging around also built it. 

With Obama it was very easy to see the 'bad guys' or the 'radicals'. With Mitt Romney it is not so easy because it looks like he lived the 'American Dream'. It looks like he is a good Christian man. It looks like he loves all. It looks like he is here to 'save' the country from this tyrant Barack Obama. 

September 11th, 1857- 120 Christians young and old, women and men, and children were killed in Mountain Meadows in Utah. Here is a great 45 minute highlight of what really occurred. 

In Mormonism Gentiles are everyone that are not Mormon. This includes you, me, and anyone else. Worse, black people are considered evil and from the Devil. Not much has changed since 1800's. We are still Gentiles and blacks are still cursed.

I understand that back then many were against each other but Mormons act as if they were never ever like the gentiles and I am here to say that there is history that proves them wrong. So this is an example of how their mind and true heart works.

Back in this day Mitt Romney's Great-Great Grandfather was a part of all of this, Parley Pratt along with his brother Orson Pratt. Mitt Romney has great ties not only to Parley Pratt and Orson Pratt but also Joseph Smith Jr. the prophet and founder of the Mormons.

The Mormon church today silently carries similar views on all people but this blog is about racism and the Mormons. It was not until 1978 that the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints decided to 'let' black people join their church. The reason was simple, in the Book of Mormon and other doctrine they were taught that black faces were of the devil literally! Jesus and Lucifer were brothers and Lucifer was not chosen to save the world, Jesus was. Lucifer convinced 1/3 of the spirits destined for Earth to fight with him and revolt. Thus Lucifer became the devil and his followers demons.Those who remained neutral in this battle were cursed to be born with black skin. This is the Mormon explanation for the Negro race. The spirits that fought against Lucifer would be born into Mormon families on planet Earth and they would be lighter-skinned people or "white and delightsome" as the Book of Mormon describes them.

I CANNOT make up this stuff!

In 1978, Mitt Romney was 31 years-old. The civil rights act was passed and long gone from that point. African Americans were a large part of society; college grads, business men and women, working hard, and voting. The fight was over so why on earth would the LDS church continue to deny black people from their church all the way until 1978? Because their bible, The Book of Mormon, told them to do it.

George Romney, spoke out against segregation in the 1960s and as governor of Michigan toured his state's inner cities as race riots wracked Detroit and other urban areas.

How do they feel about black people now? I am sure each individual person is different in the LDS church but with Romney, well, there is much to say when you have a background like him. At one point Mitt Romney stated that he walked with Martin Luther King and then changed his story stating that his dad did. This was NOT true. George Romney NEVER walked with MLK.

Here is a great example of how people influence each other;

Apostle Delbert Stapley informs George Romney that civil rights are bad. He says that so long as civil rights don't require inter-racial marraige, combined bathroom use, etc., then civil rights are okay. Here's the letter, its in PDF format

Mormons have always had 12 living apostles like Jesus did and one living prophet which is called president.

This is a disturbing letter from an apostle helping George Romney understand what their prophet Joesph Smith wanted for the negro race. So did George listen? According to my information No he did not listen and went on to make some change in Michigan. But, what did Mitt take from all this? We will have to see as the days ahead come down on every one. This I do know, African Americans do not like the color of Mitt's skin and Mormons do not typically like the color of Obama's skin AND he is mixed which is even worse in their eyes.

I leave with you the most recent news. God bless all of you and I pray that race will not be the deciding factor for this year and I pray that war does not break out. We all need to stand up and know that Jesus Christ of the Bible is the way and come together as a Christian nation not a Nation of Islam, Radical Nation, or a Mormon Nation.



Note: His dad did not walk with Martin Luther King and his faith has NOT told him that all people were equal...remember their doctrine is still the same and is being taught to their kids.

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